Board and Committee Leadership

The Towards Net Zero Coalition of Action is sponsored at Board level by Nina Jönsson, CEO, ICA Gruppen, Scott Price, Group Chief Executive, DFI Retail Group, and Antoine de Saint-Affrique, CEO, Danone at the CGF Board level. As Board sponsors  they actively drive and support the work of the Coalition and present the team’s progress to their peers during our bi-annual Board of Directors meetings.

The Coalition Steering Committee is co-chaired by Grant Sprick, VP, Climate & Environment at Ahold Delhaize, and Archana Jagannathan, Chief Sustainability Officer at PepsiCo Europe, and Rebecca Marmot, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Officer at Unilever. This collaborative effort underscores a unified approach between retailers and manufacturers in the industry. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is supporting the leadership team to build and deliver the ambitious plans. 

The Steering Committee’s role is to drive action on Coalition objectives with member companies, guide the broad implementation of the Coalition’s efforts across the industry through best practice sharing, create meaningful collaborations with external stakeholders, and act as champions for the overarching objective to drive impactful change. Under the strategic guidance of the Coalition Steering Committee, several working groups develop the action plans for each of the Coalition’s key projects.  


Currently, there are 28 members of the Towards Net Zero Coalition of Action.


Coalition Committee Members

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