The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Japan Social Working Group, an initiative of the CGF Japan Sustainability Local Group (JSLG), has entered its second year of  work with great participation from 22 members and one observer. The Japan Social Working Group is led by Ajinomoto as its group leader, and works in line with the CGF’s global Human Rights Coalition — Working to End Forced Labour.

This year, the Japan Social Working Group has been focused on two objectives. The first is to leverage knowledge of members to progress on the implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) systems in members’ own operations by organising informative sessions, sharing best practices, and learning from global companies.

The second objective is to work collectively to implement the CGF Priority Industry Principles (PIPs) into local activities on migrant workers. Facing a need from the industry, the group has developed “Responsible Employment Guidelines for Migrant Workers as Technical Intern Trainees and Specified Skilled Workers in Japan”, to promote and realise it in supply chains, with the support of the Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain (ASSC). It is the first set of guidelines of its kind for the consumer goods industry in Japan. The document aims to present a concrete and easy-to-use guideline to suppliers and/or agencies, demonstrating steps to follow when employing workers and trainees all the while considering the PIPs and local legislation. The Japan Social Working Group members will utilise the Guidelines according to the situation of each company in order to support responsible employment in their supply chains.

To download the Guidelines (in Japanese) please fill out this form:

JSLG Guidelines Download - Japanese Version

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To download the Guidelines (in English) please fill out this form:

JLSG Guidelines Download - English Version

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