
The CGF is delighted to have partnered with SCM-ECR Laboratory in the organisation of their annual conference that took place virtually on 22-23 of October, and to have contributed to the discussions on the Management of Digitisation in Supply Chain with Shoppers and Users. The conference, moderated by Professor Virgil Popa, Ph.D., Valahia University of Târgovişte, aimed to connect business platforms and academia around topics in the area of supply chain.

Source: https://www.scm4ecr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Press-Release-.pdf

In the ‘AI and Computer Vision’ session, Ruediger Hagedorn talked about the concept of Simple Links, developed by The Consumer Goods Forum, Software-Lab and Intel, which aims to create, manage and analyse digital links in a way to improve item level tracking and monitoring in supply chains, and ultimately gain integral control of a company’s logistics.

The international conference saw participants join from the Romanian-American University, the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (ASE), the Czestochowa University of Technology (Poland), the War Studies Academy Poland (Faculty of Management and Command), the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (Russia), the Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University (UK), University of Zagreb (Croatia), The Nova Southeastern University, and The Regis University (USA).

“There is no doubt that by valourising digitisation new value can be added”, said Professor Theodor Purcărea, Ph.D., Romanian-American University.

“The conference unites academia and business in an efficient and unusual way, gathering people who are passionate about logistics and efficient consumer response from all around the globe”, said Ruediger Hagedorn, The Consumer Goods Forum.

For more information, please contact Ruediger Hagedorn, End-to-End-Value Chain Director, The Consumer Goods Forum