The Consumer Goods Forum is pleased to announce it is an official sponsor of the upcoming 4th International Physical Internet Conference. The event, in Graz, Austria, runs from 4th-6th July and covers how organisations can move towards a smart hyper-connected era of efficient and sustainable logistics, supply chains and transportation.


 In 2017, the comprehensive view on the Physical Internet from the IPIC conference merges with the technical and intralogistic view from the Logistikwerkstatt Graz for a promising format. Both the IPIC and the Logistikwerkstatt Graz are well established and the purpose of the fourth Physical Internet conference is to bring together all interested parties and continue the sharing of ideas to further build foundations and momentum towards the emergence of efficient and sustainable interconnected logistics. The Institute of Logistics Engineering (ITL) at Graz University of Technology will host this international event.

The conference will include keynotes from stakeholders across global supply chains (manufacturers, retailers, 3PL and academics) and will stimulate discussions through several workshop sessions. New business models, enabling technologies and experimentations already underway will be presented, making this meeting a unique opportunity to learn, network and discuss the latest results and challenges about interconnected logistics. And, for those interested in getting involved, IPIC 2017 recently sent out a call for papers, inviting interested parties to submit an original research or innovation contribution.

The work of The Consumer Goods Forum’s E2E Value Chain & Standards Pillar fits perfectly with that of IPIC 2017. Not only does it provide a new opportunity for the CGF to engage with key stakeholders from within industry and beyond, it also provides space for increased knowledge and best-practice sharing: two items core to the CGF ongoing vision to create Better Lives Through Better Business.

The Pillar’s agenda is shaped by the opportunities presented by the industry’s new omni-channel and technology-enabled business models. Focusing on information transparency and supply chain collaborations, the Pillar looks to enable industry to grow consumer trust and reduce both costs and the environmental impact of new business models. Initiatives within the Pillar include Transparency & TraceabilityModularisationConsumer Engagement Principles and the Internet of Things

For more information on IPIC 2017, visit the conference website:
For more information on the CGF’s End-to-End Value Chain Pillar, visit