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WWF Collaborates With The Consumer Goods Forum to Launch New Global Farm Loss Tool to Tackle Emissions From Food Loss Press Release 16 Apr 2024 Food Waste WWF Collaborates With The Consumer Goods Forum to Launch New Global Farm Loss Tool to Tackle Emissions From Food Loss Paris, 16th April 2024 – World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has launched the Global Farm Loss Tool for growers of all sizes to more easily measure and report on-farm food loss. Developed by WWF and tested...
New CGF and WWF Partnership Taking the Lead on Reducing Farm Loss to Help Shrink Footprint of Food Blog 11 Dec 2023 Food Waste New CGF and WWF Partnership Taking the Lead on Reducing Farm Loss to Help Shrink Footprint of Food Each year, 2.5 billion tonnes of food are wasted across food service, grocery retail, and our own kitchens. A lesser known, and often not as well measured, part of the issue happens on farms due...
Global Farm Loss Tool: A Solution to Empower Growers Blog 29 Feb 2024 Food Waste Global Farm Loss Tool: A Solution to Empower Growers It goes without saying that every farmer on the planet would like to eliminate their on-farm losses and maximize their yield to harvest and sell. Yet as the first blog of this three-part series shows,...
No Plastic in Nature – A Revolution Within Our Grasp Blog 21 Aug 2019 Plastic Waste No Plastic in Nature – A Revolution Within Our Grasp In advance of The Consumer Goods Forum’s Sustainable Retail Summit in October 2019, Kavita Prakash-Mani, Global Conservation Director at WWF, invites the consumer goods industry to make, and act on, public commitments to plastic waste...
Food Waste Coalition of Action Share Updates and Progress at Global Summit in Chicago News Update 20 Jun 2024 Food Waste Food Waste Coalition of Action Share Updates and Progress at Global Summit in Chicago The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Food Waste Coalition of Action convened last week in Chicago, driving forward their ambitious agenda to tackle food waste and its impacts on climate change.  During the CGF Board meeting,...
A Global Farm Loss Tool Grounded in Measurement Video 05 Feb 2024 Food Waste A Global Farm Loss Tool Grounded in Measurement WWF and partners at the Consumer Goods Forum talk about the beta-testing and upcoming launch of the Global Farm Loss Tool in Spring 2024. 
Conservation & Sustainability: The Role of the Private Sector Podcast 23 Aug 2019 Environmental Sustainability Conservation & Sustainability: The Role of the Private Sector The CGF Podcast series welcomes guests from inside and outside the organisation and membership to discuss challenges facing the consumer goods industry, the planet and its people. In the August episode, host Louise Chester welcomes...
Updates on CGF Latin America: Q2 News News Update 22 Jun 2023 Corporate Updates on CGF Latin America: Q2 News A lot is going on at CGF LatAm! Here’s an update of all the projects and events that have taken place during the first quarter of 2023.    Food Waste Collaborative Workshop “Workshop VLA Cadenas...
How Businesses Are Creating Landscapes That Are #ForestPositiveForAll Blog 21 Mar 2023 Forest Positive How Businesses Are Creating Landscapes That Are #ForestPositiveForAll As brands and retailers, consumer goods companies rely on forest ecosystems to provide essential commodities, along with the millions of people employed in global supply chains who live and work in forests. However, they are...
Aiming for the Food Waste Breakthrough Blog 29 Sep 2021 Food Waste Aiming for the Food Waste Breakthrough Twice as high as estimated – the news that WWF broke in August 2021 on the amount of global food loss and waste weren’t exactly what was needed on top of the climate crisis, extreme weather...
Business Leaders, Sustainability and Health Experts and Environmental Groups Set to Unite at Sustainable Retail Summit to Help Shape Future of Industry Press Release 08 Sep 2021 Sustainable Retail Summit Business Leaders, Sustainability and Health Experts and Environmental Groups Set to Unite at Sustainable Retail Summit to Help Shape Future of Industry PARIS 8th September 2021 — The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) will bring together business leaders alongside sustainability,  environmental and health experts at its annual Sustainable Retail Summit on 13th – 14th October, providing a collaborative...
A Global Farm Loss Tool Grounded in Measurement Blog 01 Feb 2024 Food Waste A Global Farm Loss Tool Grounded in Measurement In the first blog on the Global Farm Loss Tool (GFLT) Project with the CGF’s Food Waste Coalition of Action members, we laid the foundation that food loss and waste (FLW) is a critical issue...
Press Release 29 Nov 2010 Consumer Goods Industry Announces Initiatives on Climate Protection   Retailers and manufacturers to halt deforestation practices and phase out climate-damaging refrigerants    PARIS, 29th November 2010 – On the first day of the Cancun Climate Summit, the Consumer Goods Forum announced two major...
Healthier & More Sustainable Diets Webinar Series – Session VI: Communicating Food Sustainability To Consumers Webinar 15 Sep 2022 Health & Wellness Healthier & More Sustainable Diets Webinar Series – Session VI: Communicating Food Sustainability To Consumers   
Healthier and More Sustainable Diets: Learning Series 2022 Publication 13 Apr 2023 Health & Wellness Healthier and More Sustainable Diets: Learning Series 2022 This report summarises key learnings from seven webinars conducted in 2022 by CGF’s Collaboration for Healthier Lives Coalition of Action’s Healthier and More Sustainable Diets workstream. CHL members are working together – as leading manufacturers...
CGF CEOs Release a Video Message Ahead of INC2 UNEP Plastic Treaty Negotiations News Update 23 May 2023 Plastic Waste CGF CEOs Release a Video Message Ahead of INC2 UNEP Plastic Treaty Negotiations CEO’s from some of the world’s leading Consumer Goods Companies have come together to deliver a video message ahead of multilateral negotiations towards a Global Plastics Treaty to be held in Paris at the end...