The team will also work on what needs to happen to have a more balanced Pillar agenda.  How can we bring Personal Care and Hygiene to the forefront of our agenda.

The Health & Wellness Steering Committee will meet for their first face-to-face meeting of 2016 in Santiago, Chile.  Hosted by local trade association ABChile, the team will discover how health and wellness strategies are being implemented for positive action for Chilien consumers and shoppers.

The committee will focus their meeting on their strategic priorities for 2016:

  • Delivering on the 2016 Commitments;
  • Turning the CGF Board vision into action; and
  • Community Action – how to accelerate and bring to life retailer and manufacturer collaborations that benefit whole communities. 

The Steering Committee will also hear status updates on the Pillar’s workstreams:

  • Marketing to Children – how to raise the ambition of this Commitment;
  • Stakeholder engagement – going beyond internal engagement;
  • Measurement & reporting – how do we stretch our KPIs?  Building a materiality matrix for the Pillar;
  • Nutrition & Product Formulation – reviewing a set of guidelines to support implementation;
  • Employee Health & Wellness –   driving the business case behind the importance of looking after our own people and how to ignite leadership behind the strategy to win with workplace wellness; and
  • Communication – telling the positive story of the industry’s role in the global health and wellness agenda.

 Members Continue to Add Practical Examples to Online Toolkit

Members continue to support the development of and share best-practices by adding their success stories to our open-source toolkit. The increasing number of practical examples show that our members remain committed to meeting the Health & Wellness Resolutions and Commitments. Over the past three months, another 10 companies have provided examples on how they are supporting community programmes, collaborating together – retailer and manufactuer – on positive community actions, introducing employee health and wellness programmes and on improving consumer choice and information, etc.
Those companies to have shared their stories include: Dia, Grupo Exito, Ajinomoto, Ahold, Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, Walgreens Boots Alliance, Campbell’s, Mondelēz and Tesco.