Eradicating forced labour is a task that no one person, company, or organisation can achieve by acting alone. Our Human Rights Coalition is committed to engaging with key stakeholders to best develop its approach and implement it with the greatest impact.
To help HRC members deliver on their commitments, the HRC was pleased to announce it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fair Labor Association (FLA) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in June 2021. FLA and IOM both provide strategic guidance and implementation support for the Coalition members in their three key projects.
The Coalition is also collaborating with several other stakeholder groups and industry associations to support its goals. The HRC works closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is a key member of its Global Forum on Business and Human Rights. With AIM-Progress, the HRC released Guidance on the Repayment of Worker-Paid Recruitment Fees and Related Costs, inspired by similar guidance issued by Impactt.
The HRC has also hosted several stakeholder consultations to help develop its action plans and strategic documents, including its Maturity Journey Frameworks for the implementation of forced labour-focused human rights due diligence (HRDD) systems in members’ own operations and palm oil supply chains.
For any further comments or questions about stakeholder engagement, please contact the HRC team at
The HRC’s cross-sector engagement with industry associations and other organisations builds on the CGF’s rich history of engagement on the issue of forced labour.
Over the years, CGF has collaborated with several groups, including: AHIFORES, AIM-Progress, amfori, B Team, Bali Process Government and Business Forum, CSR Asia and Europe, ELEVATE, Enterprises pour les droits de l’homme (EDH), Fair Labor Association, Impactt, India and Sustainability Standards International Dialogues and Conference, Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and its Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment, International Justice Mission (IJM), International Labour Organization (ILO), International Organisation for Migration (IOM), International Tourism Partnership (ITP), Issara Insitute, KnowTheChain, Liberty Global | Liberty Asia, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Leadership (MCRB), One Planet Network, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Oxfam, Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), Responsible Recruitment Toolkit (RRT), Seafood Task Force, Shiva Foundation, Thompson Reuters Foundation, UN Human Rights Council, UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women, Unseen UK, WBCSD, and the World Egg Organisation.
Members also engaged with several governments, including those from Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Argentina, Canada, the United States, and the Vatican.