It’s barely a month until our Global Summit, the flagship event of The Consumer Goods Forum, where CEOs and senior leaders come together to learn from each other and discuss the most pressing trends in the consumer industry. 

This year, the Summit will focus on “Consumer Centricity in a Data-Driven World”. We will offer you many different ways to explore what consumers care about and how better to meet their needs:

  • Several Summit keynote speeches will address issues of particular concern to Millennials and Gen Z – such as health, the future of our planet, and human rights. You will also hear from several innovative Asian start-ups and tech companies, along with global industry leaders, all of whom are addressing these needs through their companies’ consumer value propositions and business models.
  • The more in-depth Special Sessions will provide insights into what consumers care about and how technology such as AI can help you engage with them in meaningful, personalised dialogues.
  • In our new Presentation Theatre you will be able to quiz global experts on practical approaches to make your supply chains safer and more sustainable and help your shoppers to be healthier.
  • You will have the opportunity to have more intimate “CEO Conversations” with leading CEOs who are addressing consumer concerns by driving positive change across the industry.
  • Our “Side Events” will give you the chance to engage in dialogues with leaders, experts and other stakeholders in the fields of forced labour and healthier lifestyles.
  • And in the Singapore Store Tours, you will be able to see the latest retail innovations in one of the world’s “smartest” cities.

The theme of consumer centricity goes to the heart of what The Consumer Goods Forum is all about. The CGF was founded by a relatively small group of CEOs who believed passionately in the importance of collaboration between manufacturers and retailers to drive positive change. At the time, the hard business case for positive action was less clear. But today, almost 10 years later, it is clear that businesses that do not embrace positive change in their business strategies will fail to attract consumers. A Millennial armed with a smart phone knows far more about the industry’s products and service offers than ever before. For a growing number of consumers, a company’s reputation for reducing food waste, eliminating carbon emissions across the supply chain or taking action on deforestation and childhood obesity all come into play when choosing a product to buy. In short, consumer centricity now demands a commitment to positive change.

Underpinning this year’s Global Summit will be the theme of collaboration. To become truly consumer centric, all stakeholders need to ensure they are engaged in constant dialogue with each other, exchanging ideas and expertise on emerging technologies.  They must also understand how to create a compelling and flexible customer journey, which can be tailored towards individual consumers. With CEOs from across the industry, entrepreneurs and government leaders in attendance, the event represents a unique opportunity to reach agreements on sustainability issues and take concrete steps further towards a truly consumer-centric industry.

I’m looking forward to welcoming you to Singapore and to being part of the conversations.

This post was written and contributed by:

Peter Freedman
Managing Director
The Consumer Goods Forum

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