Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, this exploratory online video series travels from the North Pole to South America and around the world to meet the people and businesses creating better lives through better business


PARIS, 23rd June 2021 — The world is facing challenges today that will define future generations: repairing some of the damage already done while asking more of already stretched ecosystems seems an impossible task. Better Lives through Better Business is an exciting new online video series, presented by The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) and produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, exploring the brands and organisations around the world changing our approach to more sustainable food systems, caring for people and protecting our planet.  

One of the biggest stresses we put on the natural world is using land for farming. Of all the habitable land on Earth, 50% is used for agriculture. By comparison, only 1% is urban land. Finding ways to lessen the effect of farming could have an enormously positive impact on huge areas of the globe. And some pioneers are showing that it can be done.  In Better Lives through Better Business, we look at the Kenyan farmers using smartphones to predict the future, the Italian beer-makers pushing for digital farms, the community working to protect its forest, and why transporting pineapples is a speedy business.

Check the Docuseries trailer here

Reducing humanity’s environmental impact does not rest solely at the feet of producers. As consumers, we too have a responsibility (supported by governments, NGOs, community groups, brand manufacturers and retailers) to change our behaviours and so we are also exploring how we can better care for our planet by being smarter about what we buy, and what we ask of the brands we use every day. In this series, we hear from a retailer who is helping to clean up Bangladesh’s waterways by demanding the greenest fabrics, a tech company fighting food fraud and a consumer brand ensuring its most famous product comes in a recyclable tube.

Finally, we also have a responsibility to be good to others, too. Treating people better and making it easier to live healthier lives is also high on the agenda of many across the consumer goods supply chain. This is showcased in the series by a cooperative of farmers working to give Togolese women access to their own cacao farms, a retail-innovation company championing diversity and disruption by giving a platform to the start-ups and entrepreneurs emerging from its own staff and a unique collaboration in central London to help nudge shoppers towards healthier baskets.

Produced by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions – the commercial content division of BBC Global News, Better Lives through Better Business highlights some of the most pioneering and innovative organisations in this sector, and highlights how important cross-sector collaboration is if we are to overcome these global challenges. In total, there are 27 videos and articles in series.

The CGF’s Managing Director Wai-Chan Chan, said: “We are excited about the launch of this series produced by BBC StoryWorks. We intentionally wanted to showcase actions that go beyond our membership because we are keen to show everyone what innovative solutions are taking place to drive positive change globally. As the CGF, we know our members are leading on many of these innovations, but there is more that we can do to ensure more sustainable food systems and to create an industry that has a positive impact on people and planet. We hope this series can help inspire everyone to step up to the challenge before it’s too late”.

Simon Shelley, Global Director of BBC Programme Partnerships – part of BBC StoryWorks, said: “The consumer goods industry is continually shifting and adapting to meet consumer demands and confront growing global challenges. We’re delighted to have captured the innovative organisations making significant developments to their teams to provide us, as consumers, with the tools we need to protect the future of our food, better care for our planet and look after everyone every step of the way.”

Better Lives through Better Business is available to explore here –

If you are in the UK, click here to access the Docuseries. 

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About The Consumer Goods Forum

The Consumer Goods Forum (“CGF”) is a global, parity-based industry network that is driven by its members to encourage the global adoption of practices and standards that serves the consumer goods industry worldwide. It brings together the CEOs and senior management of some 400 retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and other stakeholders across 70 countries, and it reflects the diversity of the industry in geography, size, product category and format. Its member companies have combined sales of EUR 3.5 trillion and directly employ nearly 10 million people, with a further 90 million related jobs estimated along the value chain. It is governed by its Board of Directors, which comprises 57 manufacturer and retailer CEOs. For more information, please visit:

For further information, please contact Lee Green, Communications Director, The Consumer Goods Forum: