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Supply Chain and Product Data Experts Explore AI for Business News Update 22 Feb 2024 E2E Value Chain Supply Chain and Product Data Experts Explore AI for Business The IBM Innovation Studio hosted leaders in supply chain and product data at the first E2E SpringBoard of 2024 in New York City. The morning opened up with the Product Data Coalition Steering Committee meeting....
AI and the Industrial Revolution Taking Place Right Now Blog 27 Nov 2018 E2E Value Chain AI and the Industrial Revolution Taking Place Right Now With this blog post, we aim to update readers on the developments of Artificial Intelligence, automation and future of work. ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) is a blanket term that is applied to technology that mimics human...
Embrace the Inevitable – How Consumer Organisations Can Transform Their Supply Chains Through AI and Robotics Automation Press Release 24 Apr 2018 E2E Value Chain Embrace the Inevitable – How Consumer Organisations Can Transform Their Supply Chains Through AI and Robotics Automation PARIS, 24th April 2018 — PA Consulting Group and The Consumer Goods Forum today launch a research paper AI and Robotics automation in consumer-driven supply chains. This paper helps consumer goods organisations navigate the complexities of...
AI – Predicting the Future of Business Blog 09 Feb 2018 E2E Value Chain AI – Predicting the Future of Business Depending on who you listened to at Davos, artificial intelligence (AI) either has the potential to be more transformative for humanity than fire, or trigger the end of civilisation.(Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai and Alibaba’s founder...
How AI and Robotics will Transform FMCG Supply Chains Blog 18 Jul 2018 E2E Value Chain How AI and Robotics will Transform FMCG Supply Chains AI and robotics are two exciting technologies with enormous potential. We’re used to hearing about the possibilities they could bring in the home. However, we don’t tend to hear so much about how they’re going...
5 Retail-Consumer Products Trends to Watch in 2022 Blog 18 Jan 2022 E2E Value Chain 5 Retail-Consumer Products Trends to Watch in 2022 Retail struggling!? Not quite in 2021 according to IHL Group[1]. US Retail growth in 2021 through November was $831B USD. The growth for November alone was $91.1B USD. Total retail growth year to year is...
Where is AI Heading in 2024? Video 07 Mar 2024 E2E Value Chain Where is AI Heading in 2024? Ambhi Ganesan, Associate Partner, AI & Analytics, at IBM, shares his perspective on the direction of AI in 2024. The interview deep dives into three emergent themes in AI: value realisation, skill enablement, and unlocking...
Supply Chains Must Embrace the Inevitable and Transform Through AI and Robotics Automation Blog 30 Apr 2018 E2E Value Chain Supply Chains Must Embrace the Inevitable and Transform Through AI and Robotics Automation Consumer goods supply chains are in urgent need of more AI and Robotics automation. Many remain stuck in traditional linear models – producing standardised products from bulk materials in large centralised factories to maximise economies...
SummerComes 2022, Interview With Miroslav Dimitrov, COO, Video 25 Jul 2022 E2E Value Chain SummerComes 2022, Interview With Miroslav Dimitrov, COO, In May 2022 at the SummerComes SpringBoard in New York, Ruedigar Hagedorn, Director, End-to-End Value Chain interviewed Miroslav Dimitrov, COO, on the role of AI in ever-changing consumer behavior trends.    
The Corner Office Just Called: Explaining the New Conversational AI to Business and Brand Leaders Podcast 11 May 2023 E2E Value Chain The Corner Office Just Called: Explaining the New Conversational AI to Business and Brand Leaders In this episode of the End-to-End Value Chain podcast, we welcome back Jon Stine, Executive Director of The Open Voice Network, to discuss how businesses can adopt ChatGPT without compromising innovation or data security.  
Accelerating Sustainability with Cloud AI Blog 16 Oct 2023 Sustainable Retail Summit Accelerating Sustainability with Cloud AI   Today, sustainability is increasingly at the top of corporate agendas across the world. That means lowering carbon emissions, meeting regulatory requirements, creating a more transparent supply chain, and enacting better corporate citizenship.    Accelerating...
How To Overcome Barriers in AI Adoption Video 20 Mar 2024 E2E Value Chain How To Overcome Barriers in AI Adoption Romit Bhatia, Associate Partner at IBM, shares how businesses can identify and overcome barriers to the adoption of generative AI, steps to leveraging existing data ecosystems, and navigating workforce planning in 2024.
Aligning Purpose with Profits: How Consumer Goods Companies can Unlock Business Growth by Integrating Sustainability into their Operations Blog 21 Apr 2023 E2E Value Chain Aligning Purpose with Profits: How Consumer Goods Companies can Unlock Business Growth by Integrating Sustainability into their Operations The rapid advancement of technology and social media has created a new generation of well- informed, empowered, and discerning consumers. These individuals prioritise brands that not only provide high-quality products and services, but also resonate...
Consumer Goods Companies Boost Technology Budgets by 34% to Align Sustainability and Operations and Drive Growth, Finds New Study by IBM and The Consumer Goods Forum Press Release 12 Apr 2023 E2E Value Chain Consumer Goods Companies Boost Technology Budgets by 34% to Align Sustainability and Operations and Drive Growth, Finds New Study by IBM and The Consumer Goods Forum Consumer products leaders are focusing on improving supply chain operations, leveraging analytics, AI and other technologies in an effort to drive greater efficiencies and help achieve sustainability goals. 
Keeping Them Close and Coming Back for More: Survey Highlights the Struggles of Consumer and Retail Executives Press Release 21 Jun 2017 Corporate Keeping Them Close and Coming Back for More: Survey Highlights the Struggles of Consumer and Retail Executives BERLIN, 21st June 2017 — The need to grow and keep customers is dominating the agenda of consumer and retail executives around the world. Thirty-three percent of the 526 consumer and retail executives responding to...
Unpacking AI, Voice and Brands Podcast 04 Mar 2020 E2E Value Chain Unpacking AI, Voice and Brands In this episode of the End-to-End (E2E) Value Chain podcast series, have a listen to E2E Director, Ruediger Hagedorn, as he chats to David Roth, CEO of  The Store WPP and Jon Stine, lead of...