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Demystifying the CPG Aisle: How Data and GPT are Reshaping Consumer Packaged Goods Industry  Blog 26 Jun 2024 E2E Value Chain Demystifying the CPG Aisle: How Data and GPT are Reshaping Consumer Packaged Goods Industry  The CPG industry, encompassing everything from your morning coffee to beverages and snacks, is undergoing a significant transformation. While core consumer needs remain the same, how we shop for and interact with these products is...
Retail & CPG: Winning the Cost and Profitability Race in a Volatile and Uncertain Market Blog 30 Jan 2023 E2E Value Chain Retail & CPG: Winning the Cost and Profitability Race in a Volatile and Uncertain Market Today’s business landscape in the retail and CPG world is riddled with unprecedented global uncertainty. Inflationary pressures, logistical issues, foreign exchange and energy price rises – the variability and volatility in component costs have increased...
Embracing Sustainability Regulations: Strategies for CPG, Retailers, and Suppliers in a Changing Landscape Blog 11 Apr 2024 E2E Value Chain Embracing Sustainability Regulations: Strategies for CPG, Retailers, and Suppliers in a Changing Landscape The evolving landscape of sustainability-related regulations presents opportunities for CPGs and retailers to drive innovation and strengthen partnerships within their supply chains. Proactive collaboration will be key to balancing compliance with these important initiatives while...
Purposeful Shopping Can Be a Question Mark for CPGs — Is Data Transparency an Answer? Blog 19 Nov 2021 E2E Value Chain Purposeful Shopping Can Be a Question Mark for CPGs — Is Data Transparency an Answer? The pandemic accelerated changes already in motion. McKinsey coined “the next normal” to describe the Covid-spurred generational shift in how people live and shop and, most crucially, what they care about. Buyers today are doing...
Building a Data Foundation to Help Democratise Data Analytics For CPGs Blog 15 Dec 2021 E2E Value Chain Building a Data Foundation to Help Democratise Data Analytics For CPGs At a recent conference, I was struck by an admission of a data leader at a top 10 consumer goods company about the poor state of data in CPG. “Nobody has figured out master data...
5 Retail-Consumer Products Trends to Watch in 2022 Blog 18 Jan 2022 E2E Value Chain 5 Retail-Consumer Products Trends to Watch in 2022 Retail struggling!? Not quite in 2021 according to IHL Group[1]. US Retail growth in 2021 through November was $831B USD. The growth for November alone was $91.1B USD. Total retail growth year to year is...
Trends in the CPG Industry Podcast 17 Dec 2021 E2E Value Chain Trends in the CPG Industry In this episode of The Consumer Goods Forum’s End-to-End Value Chain (E2E) podcast series, Justin Honaman, Amazon’s Head of Worldwide Business Development, Consumer Products – Food & Beverage, has a lively discussion with E2E Director,...
The Future of Ethical Commerce and Sustainability in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies (FMCG) Blog 20 Jun 2022 E2E Value Chain The Future of Ethical Commerce and Sustainability in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies (FMCG) The UN World Commission on Environment and Development defines sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainability is therefore the process by...
Why Brands Must Master Marketplace Strategies to Win Consumers, and Not Focus on Mass Personalisation Blog 01 Feb 2021 Why Brands Must Master Marketplace Strategies to Win Consumers, and Not Focus on Mass Personalisation   Retail is on the cusp of entering Generation 5.0 (Retail 5.0), the next era of its evolution. In this new future phase of worldwide retail, growth for consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands will be...
From Laggard To Leader: Scaling Digital Operations & Extracting Value Blog 17 Dec 2020 From Laggard To Leader: Scaling Digital Operations & Extracting Value It’s a tricky time for Manufacturers.  Technological advances, global trade tensions and market evolutions and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, have accelerated the shift to digital, end to end, from consumer to supply chain and...
Artificial Intelligence is Accelerating Business-to-Consumer Response Blog 01 Apr 2020 E2E Value Chain Artificial Intelligence is Accelerating Business-to-Consumer Response   I got an email recently from Amazon, that as a Prime member, I was now eligible for free grocery delivery, which previously cost $14.99/month with the AmazonFresh grocery delivery service. Amazon is rolling out...
CGF Announces New Members for April 2021 Press Release 29 Apr 2021 Corporate CGF Announces New Members for April 2021 PARIS, 29th April 2021 — The Consumer Goods Forum is delighted to announce the following new companies have joined our global membership community and, in doing so, have confirmed their commitment to our vision of...
WinterComes Pilot Spotlight: TradeLens Podcast 21 Sep 2021 E2E Value Chain WinterComes Pilot Spotlight: TradeLens   In this episode of The Consumer Goods Forum’s End-to-End Value Chain (E2E) podcast, Mattias Praetorius, Global Head of FMCG, and Jeppe Kobbero, Senior TradeLens Product Manager at Maersk join to share insights on their TradeLens pilot project, featured...
Online Global Growth of 163% Predicted By 2023, Adding $257bn to Food and Consumer Goods Industry Press Release 05 Jun 2019 Corporate Online Global Growth of 163% Predicted By 2023, Adding $257bn to Food and Consumer Goods Industry LONDON and PARIS, 5th June 2019 — Digital technologies are revolutionising the way the food and consumer goods industry operates and online sales are forecast to grow 163% by 2023 across major markets, according to a...
Data and Analytics for CPGs Podcast 14 Feb 2022 E2E Value Chain Data and Analytics for CPGs In this latest episode of the E2E Value Chain Podcast Series, we are joined by Amazon’s Justin Honaman for the second of our discussions on retail and CPG trends. In this chat, Justin talks to...
Food Fraud: Impact of Counterfeits on Consumers’ Safety & Brand Reputation Blog 30 Mar 2021 E2E Value Chain Food Fraud: Impact of Counterfeits on Consumers’ Safety & Brand Reputation With over 30% of shoppers saying they will shift at least some of their spending away from brick-and-mortar stores towards e-commerce, consumers are showing increased trust in online shopping for their groceries. In fact, the...