As a Coalition, we have decided to focus on removing deforestation, forest conversion and degradation from the production of four high-demand commodities in our industry. These commodities — palm oil, soy, paper, pulp, and fibre-based packaging (PPP), and beef — are often produced in a way that has devastating impacts on our world’s natural resources.
As a result, the Coalition has created Roadmaps for each commodity to guide the transformation needed to implement and practice forest positive production. In line with the Coalition’s vision that collaborative action is key to sustainable change, these Roadmaps have been developed through extensive consultation with various stakeholders, especially NGOs. Each Roadmap includes a set of commitments, an action plan for achieving them, and a set of key performance indicators (KPIs). The Roadmaps are structured around five key areas of action:
More information and additional resources about members’ actions around engaging upstream supply chain partners, investing in production landscapes, reporting on their actions and impact, and working collaboratively with stakeholders are available here. A full list of the public information requirements and KPIs in the Roadmaps is available here and results of the Coalition’s collective annual reporting exercise are available here.
The Coalition is also developing Guidance on the Forest Positive Roadmaps, which will include supporting information to help businesses with the implementation of the actions in each Commodity Roadmap. These documents will serve as an update and replacement to the CGF Sustainable Sourcing Guidelines for palm oil, soy, and paper, pulp & fibre-based packaging.
Download the Forest Positive Commodity Roadmaps and, when available, the implementation guidance, below.
Guidance on the Forest Positive Palm Oil Roadmap is currently under development, which will include supporting information to help businesses with the implementation of the actions in the Forest Positive Palm Oil Roadmap. This document will serve as an update and replacement to the CGF Sustainable Sourcing Guidelines for palm oil. However, guidance is available here on an aligned Palm Oil Deforestation and Conversion Free (DCF) methodology to track %DCF volumes, providing a framework for companies to report on this metric consistently.
Resources for palm oil suppliers are available here.
You are invited to provide feedback and suggestions on our Beef Roadmap and Beef Roadmap Guidance, for example on the KPIs and scope. We have created a guide and forms to support you with this.
Resources for soy suppliers and traders are available here.
For businesses looking for additional supporting information to help them implement the actions in the Forest Positive PPP Roadmap, the new Guidance on the Forest Positive PPP Roadmap is also available here. This document serves as an update and replacement to the CGF Sustainable Sourcing Guidelines for PPP.
You are invited to provide feedback and suggestions on our Beef Roadmap and Beef Roadmap Guidance, for example on the KPIs and scope. We have created a guide and forms to support you with this.
The Coalition’s efforts encompass all cattle-derived products. Dairy products are under the scope of the Coalition’s Soy Roadmap, due to the use of soy in feed for dairy cows. All other cattle-derived products are covered by the Beef Roadmap, where “beef” is used for brevity.
Resources for suppliers of cattle-derived products (meatpackers in Brazil) are available here.
Each Commodity Roadmap has been developed to reflect the specific realities and challenges of the respective commodity. The Roadmaps build on five main elements that combine action both within and beyond supply chains. These elements focus on actions for companies to:
Subsequently, each of these five elements include:
The CGF Forest Positive Coalition Roadmaps are intended to be living documents which are regularly reviewed and updated. Therefore, they remain in a ‘working format’ for the time being. As it becomes clearer in what way and how often they are updated, the design and layout will be improved. Stakeholders are therefore invited to share their feedback with the FPC team at any time. You can get in touch at
The Coalition was launched in 2020. The Roadmaps for palm oil and soy were published in fall 2020, and the PPP Roadmap was finalised in March 2021, and the Beef Roadmap was published in March 2022. Work on the action plans laid out in the Roadmaps begins immediately after publication.
The KPIs for each Commodity Roadmap have been developed with input from Coalition members, supply chain partners, civil society actors, and other stakeholders, and in alignment with existing transparency and reporting frameworks such as CDP and the Accountability Framework Initiative (AFi), to avoid duplication and encourage harmonisation across the industry.
Each Commodity Roadmap includes a list of KPIs along with individual and collective actions for member companies to take. All companies are expected to publicly and regularly report against the KPIs outlined in the Commodity Roadmaps (for commodities that are material to their business).
We are looking at the whole forest ecosystem and doing our part to promote and protect multiple interests: forests and the environment, people who live and make their living near forests, and the challenge of feeding a growing planet. We are collaborating to collectively promote and protect forests and the environment and the people who live and make their living near forests. We are working closely with the CGF’s Human Rights Coalition to advance the CGF’s Forced Labour Resolution and we are mainstreaming the CGF’s Priority Industry Principles against forced labour in alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We are also working to embed actions around the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) into the Commodity Roadmaps, starting first with palm oil as a pilot commodity.